Sunday was a busy day. I went up and down the stairs to check on my son numerous times. I did laundry. When down stairs my son would ask for this and that, he has his own apartment downstairs. It was not the quite day my husband had planned for Mother's Day.
I wanted and needed to go to the Nursing Home to see Mama. The day was flying by hour after hour. My Mama used my brother cell phone and called around 6:00 pm. I told her I would be there in about 30 minutes. I finally got to the nursing home around 7:40 pm. We had a nice visit.
Mama is suppose to return home next Monday if she continues to improve with her physical therapy. I got a call from my son around 8:50 pm. I helped my Mama to bed around 9:30 pm. Due to the overworked, and under staffed nursing home, I put the adult brief on my Mama. We talked, laughed, and shared a nice time.
It was 11:00 pm and she needed to be changed. I needed to leave, remember I have a sick child at home. He was home with his Dad and girlfriend. His girlfriend is wonderful.
I pressed the call button. My Mama said it would be awhile before any one came. I went into the hall not a call light was on and all the rooms we quite. It was shift changing time. I decided to just change my Mama myself. We said our good-nights and I started home.
I arrived home to find my sons fever 102.9 F. I preceded to treat the fever with ibuprofen and a sponge bath. I used a few drops of Melaleuca Oil on the cloth. He started to feel better in a few minutes. I went to bed around 3:00 AM.

I love my son with my heart and soul, and taking care of my sick child is what a Mama does. It is my nature, my instinct, I would not have chosen to do anything else. As far as my Mama goes, I figure it was fitting that I changed her adult brief, since she changed my diapers when I was a baby.
My son is felling better, and my Mama has continued to improve.
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