have meetings with other small business owners, I always hear someone saying what has happened to common sense.
I blame television and talk radio for sucking common sense out of many adults. The major source for doing away with common sense is the education system.
I have been perplexed by the large number of people that are simply brained washed. They believe any and everything they hear or read especially if it is negative or if it supports what they believe. What has been surprising to me is the number of people that fall into this category that are suppose to be educated.
No one and not any company is always correct 100 percent of the time. Perfect is impossible to achieve on this earth. Jesus Christ was the only perfect being to ever grace this world, all others fall way short. This is why it concerns me when I hear Christians stating any company or person is always right. Impossible!!
Fifteen years ago I use to think these people were not being truthful. I have come to realize these individuals are simply uneducated. They only listen and read what supports what they have been told. They do not think for themselves. These individuals are not able to see the world through others’ eyes. They are not capable of knowing all sides to an issues. They can not see the whole picture. They do not have common sense.
Seriously, I have discovered this to be true. Yes, people that are suppose to be educated only know one side to major life issues. I fear for many Christians. They mindlessly follow this one sided programing. How can a Christian believe any company or any person is always honest and is perfect? This premise goes against Christianity.
These same individuals lack common sense. They have been taught certain information. These individuals do not question the information they hear. They do not think about what they hear. They have been taught to accept the information as facts.
How did this happen? How did our country get in this kind of mess. Employers are always complaining about workers and people in general not having a lick of common sense. I have to deal with this daily. What to do?
It goes back to our education system. The education system is following a model that is frighting to me. Children and young adults are taught to focuses on clear facts with right or wrong answers. This type of information is easier to teach and test. This model of education does not prepare children and young adults to be able to think. In the real world, people need to know how to think outside the box. Many times in life, the solution to a problem is not black or white it may be gray. This model of education hinders creativity.
This education model puts children in a passive role. A passive role does not encourage creative thought. The present education system does not encourage children to think deeply. They are not taught or allowed to create or write meaningful questions. The children are not to question the information they are taught just memorize these facts. This method does not develop reasoning skills. This model of education has just about eliminated common sense.
Children do need to be taught facts. But just as important as facts, we need to teach children how to think. We need to teach how to reflect on facts and how the facts fit into the bigger picture. Our present way of memorizing a list of words, names, and books, is a poor way to judge who is educated. This is what we are doing in education these days. We need to teach children how to debate. They need to prepare an argument for both sides of an issue. In real life, the truth usually lies somewhere in between.
Alfred North Whitehead (1861 – 1947) mathematician and philosopher said, "knowledge does not keep any better than fish." In other words, "bits of disconnected knowledge are meaningless; all knowledge must find some imaginative application to the students' own lives, or else it becomes so much useless trivia, and the students themselves become good at parroting facts but not thinking for themselves."
with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely poor way to
judge who is well-educated. As the philosopher Alfred North Whitehead
observed long ago, “A merely well-informed man is the most useless bore
on God’s earth. . . . Scraps of information” are only worth something if
they are put to use, or at least “thrown into fresh combinations.” -
See more at:
Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely
poor way to judge who is well-educated. As the philosopher Alfred North
Whitehead observed long ago, “A merely well-informed man is the most
useless bore on God’s earth. . . . Scraps of information” are only worth
something if they are put to use, or at least “thrown into fresh
combinations.” - See more at:
Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely
poor way to judge who is well-educated. As the philosopher Alfred North
Whitehead observed long ago, “A merely well-informed man is the most
useless bore on God’s earth. . . . Scraps of information” are only worth
something if they are put to use, or at least “thrown into fresh
combinations.” - See more at:
Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely
poor way to judge who is well-educated. As the philosopher Alfred North
Whitehead observed long ago, “A merely well-informed man is the most
useless bore on God’s earth. . . . Scraps of information” are only worth
something if they are put to use, or at least “thrown into fresh
combinations.” - See more at:
Familiarity with a list of words, names, books, and ideas is a uniquely
poor way to judge who is well-educated. As the philosopher Alfred North
Whitehead observed long ago, “A merely well-informed man is the most
useless bore on God’s earth. . . . Scraps of information” are only worth
something if they are put to use, or at least “thrown into fresh
combinations.” - See more at:
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