Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Plan To Stop The Sugar Addiction

 How to stop the sugar addiction which leads to sugar cravings.

Many adults have been addicted to sugar for years. I have spent the past twenty-five years trying to become sugar free. I admit I succeed for six to eight months at a time and then fall off the wagon. I usually am not successful at getting right back on the wagon. I think it is a multifaceted process of become sugar free and living a life of sugar free.

In order to be successful at living a sugar free life, you need to learn about your body and the cravings for sugar. I discovered the cravings are much stronger after eating sugar. I have been successful at living sugar free when I tracked my eating with a food diary. 

The food diary shows just how much sugar are you eating. I tracked how I felt after eating sugar. I want to understand why I want more and more sugar. I wanted to understand why I go back and get the second piece of pie, cake, brownie. One handful of peanut M&M's leads to another, and yet another handful. Why? What triggers a sugar binge? Why does one bite lead to a craving for more and more?

The journey of living a sugar free life starts by not eating sugar. This is where the food diary helps keep notes on how you feel. Detoxing sugar is not fun! But after four to six days without sugar, the physical cravings disappear. Once detoxed from sugar, this is how I have learned to live without sugar.

I have used the following step-by-step process to help me live a sugar free diet.
  1. I always eat breakfast within 30-45 minutes of waking up.
  2. I always include protein in my breakfast.
  3. I do not drink soda, or juice. I drink water, tea, and coffee.
  4. I always eat protein with each meal.
  5. I eat on a regular schedule with three meals a day. A snack of protein has helped me avoid sugar.
  6. Exercise of some fashion, a daily walk helps me feel better.
  7. Sleep is critical! This is where I have messed up in the past. A regular sleep pattern of eight plus hours is essential for success. When I am sleep deprived, I crave carbohydrates and eventually fall off the wagon and eat sugar.
  8. Meals must be prepared before you are hungry! It is easy to reach for carbohydrates and sugar filled snacks when you are hungry and trying to prepare a meal. 
  9. Avoid stress if possible! If under stress, exercise, pray, meditate, take a long bath, shower, talk to a friend, try to avoid eating. This is where I have messed up in the past and have eaten sugar snacks.
  10. If you chose to eat sugar and want to continue on a sugar free diet, do not beat yourself up. The next day make the decision not to eat sugar. I have found this is a day to day process. Our world is filled with sugar snacks and drinks. It is hard to avoid the pitfalls but can be done.

Personal note: I have been eating sugar since Christmas Holidays. Stress and circumstances beyond my control have put me out of my comfort zone. The old habit of reaching for carbohydrates during stressful times has once again reared its ugly-head.

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