Cravings can be hard to stop. It seems like sugar cravings are the worst. I have to eliminate sugar out of my body four to six days before I stop craving it. There have been times I was sugar free for four days and accidentally consumed sugar and it would start me carving sugar all over again. Once, my husband accidentally put sugar in my hot tea on the fifth day of me being sugar free.
It’s a vicious cycle being addicted to sugar. Our insulin levels rise when we eat sugar. We burn off some of the sugar and our insulin level starts to fall so we crave sugar to spike our insulin levels. This rise and drop leads us to feeling tired, and fatigued.
I can limit my sugar and be successful when I increase my protein. Protein is my friend when I am trying to kick the sugar habit. I also avoid artificial sweeteners, like Saccharin or Aspartame. They make me have sugar cravings.
My cravings are the worst when I have missed a meal. The best way for me to avoid this drop in sugar level is by eating
every five hours with a healthy snack of protein in between the meals to avoid that drop in blood sugar. Eating three good meals a
day with a snack in between meals.
Good luck kicking the sugar habit, it will improve your overall health!
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