Monday, April 15, 2013

From Peace to Worry In A Manner Of A Few Hours

We had a good visit with my Mama at the hospital. My Dad, brother Joe, and my sister all went together. It was the first time Joe had got to go to the hospital. Mama had improved one hundred percent. We left with a good feeling. I had a good feeling about her recovery, that I did not have before this visit.

A few hours later, I got a breathless call from Mama at 11:37 PM she was upset because her heart had acted up and had to have another EKG. She is on a heart monitor. She had a restless night and had to be given a new heart medication and three shots for pain through the the night.

This got me to thinking about the the ebb and flow of life. We all experience good and bad situations in ours lives daily. Some of us can handle the ebb and flow of life easier than others. I have observed in life some get completely submerged in destructive thinking. It seems they tend to have more lows in their lives. I wonder do these individuals ever experience any good times? I wonder do they miss the good times in life wallowing in their pity? These individuals seem to think life is suppose to be all mountains and no valleys.

When we are in a valley, it is an opportunity to have greater faith in God. This can be an opportunity to grow spiritually. I realize more than ever there is an ebb and flow of life. It would help if we learned to embrace the valleys rather than resist them. We can use these times in the valleys to cultivate our relationship with God. I trust in his plan for my life. I believe God only wants good events in my life.

Needless to say today is a little stressful worrying about my Mama with the rest of life. A work friend made the statement, "you don't look stressed." Well, I am! I wonder why some seem to handle stress better than others?

It seems people want permanency with continuity and duration in life. I know I do. We need to realize the only permanency in life is the fact nothing last forever. Life is ever changing. The idea that we’re supposed to be on a mountain all the time is misleading and it causes many to have false expectations about life.

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